Personal Training

Let Our Staff of Personal Trainers Help You Succeed!
At Catalyst Fitness, personal training begins with the person. Most personal trainers focus on what they’ve learned, what they recommend, and what they think is best. We take a different approach. Our trainers start with you - your needs, your challenges, and your aspirations - then we collaborate with you to help you reach your goals. We get to know you well enough to understand when you need a pat on the back - and when you need a push. We promise you it won’t always be easy. But we will always be focused on you.
Contact Us Today, Via the Form Below, To Request A Complimentary Consultation With One Of Our Trainers:
Who Needs Personal Training?
Beginners: Learn correct exercise techniques and patterns with guidance of a Personal Trainer.
Experienced Exercisers often reach a plateau in their workouts and fitness routines. The experience your Personal Trainer has will show you new ways to reach your goals.
Personal Trainers offer programs tailored to your specific needs that will help you successfully achieve your personal fitness goals including:
● Weight Loss
● Post Rehabilitation Training
● Cardio Fitness
● Flexibility Training
● General Conditioning
● Resistance Training
● Plus, many more!
Improve Overall Fitness
A trainer will monitor clients’ progress and fine-tune a program for them.
Reach or Maintain a Healthy Weight
Body fat reduction, weight reduction and maintenance, and body shaping and toning can all be achieved with the aid of a qualified trainer.
Stop Wasting Time
Clients get maximum results in minimum time with a program designed specifically for them.